7 Great Reasons to Start Exercising.
7 Great Reasons to Start Exercising.
Your finally thinking of taking the steps to getting g fitter and leading a more healthier life style, well thinking and doing are two separate things, taking the steps to giving yourself at least 30-40 minutes of exercise a day sounds easy but can be hard to implement if you donât have a good enough reason to get out of bed and get moving or grab your gym bag after work and hit the gym, here are some reasons to get you motivated to making the change to becoming a fitter, stronger, healthier more confident youâ¦
1: Losing weight:
Might sound obvious plus itâs the number one reason why people decide to start exercising, but losing weight doesnât only make you look better but makes the body feel better mentally and physically, it helps balance your hormones raises your metabolism and helps you to lose more weight even when youâre not exercising.
2.) Having More Energy
If your feeling tired this couldmight not just be from bad nutrition but from lack of activity, so by getting your nutrition in place and working out in some ay your bodies metabolism will drastically rise plus your cardiovascular system will improve producing more blood cells, more oxygen i.e. making you feel more awake and energized with having to grab for a cup of coffee every other hour just to stay awake.
3: Improves muscle mass and tone:
Losing weight is all very good but letâs be honest having a nice frame under the weight loss is a added benefit, by working out not only with weights but in any way youâre going to build some kind of muscle, muscle is key to weight loss as your body has to work hard to maintain it so burning additional calories even at rest, also more muscle the more settled your hormones will be, plus making ligaments, tendons and joints stronger.
4.) Reduces Stress
In todays worlds everything is so fast passed and instant making life very busy
and stressful, by working out you will not only improve your health but also
your mental state by improving your balance of hormones, reducing cortisol levels
through realising more endorphins also just by knowing youâre doing something good
for your body takes away that one big stress that you are always worried about
that your not doing enough exercises or eating properly, working out although
tough at the time of doing it is as effective as meditation.
5: Sleeping Better:
By exercising your cortisol levels will be lower (Stress Hormone) plus exercise has been proven to improve sleep quality and helps you wake up the next day ready to start again rather than waking up then hitting the snooze button.
6.) Cardio Vascular Health
With the rise of heart diseaseon the up making your cardiovascular system healthier and more efficient is obviously a big reason to start exercising more, if you want to just make a difference to the heart then start by doing some form of exercise every day for at least 30 minutes, then once this gets to easy up the intensity to 40 minutes a day, this will go along way to getting your heart back to a healthy stat, the worst workout you do is the one you donât do.
7.) Improve Your Self Esteem
When working out you will
get a sense of achievement causing you have better self-esteem also more
confidence in tackling everyday problems due to you feeling more confident within
yourself, plus the added benefit of looking better so not feeling so self-concise
in certain situations.
are plenty more reasons I could give but just pick a few of there above and Iâm
sure one or two even more will resonate with you and kick start you into getting
into shape and becoming a heathier, fitter, stronger more confident you.